Sebagai sebuah usaha yang didirikan di Sidoarjo, brand ARINZ mengusung tema modern ethnic untuk produk-produknya. Usaha ini menawarkan aneka produk fashion berupa pakaian modest bagi wanita dan pria menggunakan bahan dasar kain wastra (batik, tenun) khas Jawa Timur, dan juga kain nusantara pada umumnya.
In addition to prioritize design, ARINZ doesn't neglect user comfort. Given the hot climate in Indonesia, the clothing products also use natural fiber materials that keep the body cool, while adhering to the environmentally friendly movement. Environmentally conscious, this business also ensures that less production residu is wasted, by utilizing leftover materials to produce various fabric accessories. Available in several outlets with varied design, the clothes are often worn by the young to adult generation